Saturday, August 19, 2006

Three segments of Power Sector (IIPM Publication)

It is a truism that no country can achieve sustained economic growth without intellectual capital. But for Caribbean and African nations, the crisis is immediate and desperate. More than 80% of qualified doctors leave these countries for greener pastures in Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand. Already on the verge of collapse, the public health systems in these countries would truly go down under. Something urgent needs to be done by the international community to stave off this looming crisis that threatens poor nations.

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Source:- IIPM Editorial, 2006

It is rudimentary economics really. The power sector can be divided into three segments: generation, transmission and distribution. In the good old socialist era, SEBs used to handle all these functions. In the reforms era, they have been bifurcated and different agencies handle each segment. Yet, these ham-handed reform efforts have created more problems than solutions in each segment.

Source:- IIPM Editorial

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